Contact us at any of our offices, or get in touch with us using phone, e‑mail or Skype! We’ll get straight back to you.
T +49 7231 133 637 2
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Our law firm specializes strictly in business law with an emphasis on supporting and advising SMEs and their directors through its expertise in corporate law/M&A, dispute resolution, and international business law. At the Corporate Legal Group, you will meet lawyers and specialist solicitors who all have many years’ experience of advising clients in various types of SMEs, and also with corporate structures.
In our business, the aim and guiding principle is to combine legal expertise with entrepreneurial thinking. We are experienced lawyers and successful entrepreneurs. We are well aware that results are what count and not legal clauses.

Acquisitions and Corporate Structuring
We offer advice on matters ranging from company incorporations to mergers & acquisitions. We provide you with assistance on how to structure your company or group for legal and tax purposes.

Corporate and Asset Succession
We help you structure your assets in view of legal and tax issues (e.g. family pools and family businesses, foundation and trust set-up).

Corporate Contracts/Business Law
We ensure that any contracts relevant to your business are legally secure, avoid disputes, and help you to conduct and implement negotiations.

Representation on Boards
We can help safeguard entrepreneur and investor rights and represent you if required at supervisory board meetings, general shareholder meetings, and other committees.
Contact us at any of our offices, or get in touch with us using phone, e‑mail or Skype! We’ll get straight back to you.